Celebrate a Spooktacular Halloween: Ensuring Your Pet's Safety and Delight

Written by: Dr. Cherice Roth


Halloween, with its thrilling ambiance, playful costumes, and tempting treats, is eagerly awaited by many. But for our pets, it can be a mix of excitement, stress, and potential hazards. As we immerse ourselves in the ghostly festivities, ensuring our furry family members navigate the night safely and joyfully becomes crucial.

Halloween Treats

The allure of Halloween primarily revolves around its vast array of candies and treats.  Yet, this sugary bounty can pose significant risks to our pets.  Chocolates, particularly dark ones, are notoriously toxic to cats and dogs. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning can range from vomiting and diarrhea to more severe cases of rapid heart rate and seizures.  

Equally scary is the artificial sweetener xylitol, commonly found in sugar-free candies and gums.  Watch for "birch sugar, wood sugar, or birch bark extract" - it's all xylitol in disguise,  which is deadly!  Ingesting even small amounts can lead to insulin release, resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, and, in severe cases, liver failure if your pet gets into “sugar-free” candy or gum. KEEP THE LABEL and contact the pet poison helpline.

Ensure your pet can join in on the treat  fun safely by stocking up on their favorite Yummers before the big night.

Pug with vampire cape dressed up for Halloween

Halloween Costumes

Beyond the treats, Halloween's mainstay—costumes—can also be a source of stress or danger for pets.  While dressing up Fido as a pirate or Whiskers as a witch might seem irresistible, ensuring any Halloween costume doesn't restrict their movement, sight, or breathing is essential.  

You will also want to be very sure that they do not overheat. Any dangling or easily chewable parts can be a choking hazard.  If your pet seems distressed, ditching the Halloween costume is always best.  After all, they are naturally adorable!

Trick or Treating

The ringing of the doorbell and the shouts of "Trick or Treat!" can be unsettling for our pets.  The constant influx of visitors, some in intimidating Halloween costumes, can increase anxiety levels, especially in pets not accustomed to many strangers or loud noises. 

Setting up a calm, quiet space for them to retreat with some Yummers Calming Supplement on hand can make the evening more manageable.  It's also wise to ensure proper identification, like a microchip or collar ID, if they get spooked and dart out the door.  For pets with severe anxiety, consider placing a sign outside your door with a bucket of Halloween goodies that the trick-or-treaters can access without triggering your pet! Another option is to have your pet visit a friend who will not participate in trick or treating.

Cat dressed up for Halloween with a spider hat

Halloween Decorations

Candles and decorations enhance Halloween's spooky atmosphere.  However, pets, especially cats with curious paws or tails, can accidentally knock over-lit candles, leading to potential burns or fires.  Opt for flameless candles as a safer alternative.  Decorations like fake cobwebs or plastic spiders should be placed out of reach.  They can be tempting chew toys but dangerous if ingested, which can lead to choking or the need for gastrointestinal surgery.

As Halloween casts its spell, a few proactive measures can ensure it's a delightful experience for all family members, including our four-legged ones.  Let's create memories filled with fun, laughter, Yummers, and, most importantly, safety.  

Wishing everyone a spooktacular and pet-friendly Halloween!

Dr. Cherice Roth

Dr. Cherice Roth

Dr. Roth is a practicing veterinarian with a background in telemedicine and a passion for equitable access to veterinary care for all pets. She knows how vitally important mealtime is for pets and shares Yummers' devotion to giving them what they want and need.